I believe one of the key characteristics of an Hustler is the ability to spot a talent and see potential in them and try to make friends with that person and also offer value to them in a mutually beneficial relationship. ( in simple terms – ability to network ). I met Patch at a Karaoke night event at the Middlesex University last year. I was there to fool around with the music and she was there as the official photographer for the night. Asides trying to make sure I get my Drake lines right ( which I did, but my voice was horrible ) , I noticed how Patch was super engrossed in taking the pictures of the whole gathering and at the end of the event, I walked up to her and said “Thank You” . Am sure in her mind, she was like “Who is this guy telling me thank you and why is he telling me thank you, am just doing what I love” Well, that’s just me. I love seeing young people do amazing stuff and I also love applauding them and associating myself with them. After seeing some of her amazing works and getting to know her better. I felt the need to have an interview with her so I can get a bird’s eye view of the hustle behind photography and also because I know she’s gonna be famous, I wanted to be part of the people who cheered her on, added value to her and made her feel confident in her hustle and most importantly – she’s gonna look back at this post many years from now and be like “Shit! my voice sounded really funny back then
” HEY! Below are some of here amazing works: She has a different perspective of taking her pictures that is so different from the average photographer. She does “Staged Photography” and according to her in the interview this means that when she has an idea, she has to find “Suitable place to do the shoot, Suitable Composition, Suitable Models who will represent the idea the best, Suitable clothes and lastly Suitable light” Gosh! Patch, That’s a lot of “suitable” things to have
Lets get to the interview!!! But before we do, the main purpose of the interview was to get to know her, understand the hustle behind being a Europe photographer and get some advice from her that may be relevant for anyone who wants to go into the photography world. Anytime I get to have a voice interview, I always feel the need not to transcribe it because I think it will take away the fun! ( it’s not that am lazy to transcribe… okay – I am!
) So, kindly play click the PLAY button below to enjoy the interesting interview I had with her in Liverpool street in London. Am sure you would like her accent but you would like mine better
Her Contact Details Name: Hermine Patch Facebook: Facebook.com/HerminePhotographyATCH Instagram: @herminepatch Online Portfolio: Behance.net/herminepatch Email: herminepatch@gmail.com I wold love to hear your comments and thoughts on her work, the interview we had and any other thing your mind can come up with!!!! [ad name=”HTML”]
Hermine Patch Talks To Me About The Hustle Of Being A London Photographer
Photo Credit: Hermine Patch
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