
[Video] Watch This For 30 Minutes Everyday To Change Your Life

I hope the concept of “Law of Attraction” is not new to you. If it is, in its simplest form – Law of Attraction states that you will and have the power to get ANYTHING you want in life if you think about it, talk about it and act upon it (act like you already have it) on a daily basis. In order for you to put the law of attraction to work, you need to visualize the things you want and the more vivid you can keep the image(s) in your head, the closer you will get to them. I am giving myself a challenge to watch this video every morning now and also before I sleep, it is an affirmation video for Wealth, Success, Health & Prosperity Subliminal Visualization Meditation.

My day usually starts with me going to the Gym by 7am, working out for an hour and spend about 30 minutes in my kitchen preparing my protein shake and just relaxing before I head upstairs to my computer to start my work day.

I want to make a slight change to that now, after finishing in the kitchen, before I start my day working, I want to watch this video to start my day and mind right. I have discovered that I spend so much time feeding my body, taking care of my outward appearances, brand / business and spend less time nurturing the mind and brain which are actually the parts of the body that has the power to change my life and create “magic” for me.

I want you to watch this video everyday to start your day.

You will feel motivated, driven, inspired, at peace and creative through out the day.

Tags : list of affirmationspositive affirmationspositive self affirmationspositive thoughtsthe power of positive thinkingwords of affirmation
Daniel Damilola Nejo

The author Daniel Damilola Nejo

Daniel is a content creator, web and graphic designer, digital marketer and musician endorsed by the UK Government as a “World Leading Exceptional Talent in Digital Technology”.

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